Visiting the Tuna Auction
visiting the live tuna auction is a great experience,and highly recommended. However, there are a few things that you should know prior to visiting.
please make sure you understand the rules and procedures before coming.

As tourism has increased, rules and procedures have become more strict. therefore,visitors are not able to enter the auction without being a part of a tour group. All instructions from tour guides and posted notices should be followed. You can and will be removed if you are take caution.

Number of Visitors
Each day,only 120 visitors are allowed into the  marker for tours. This is on a first come, first server basis. It is not  possible to reserve a spot in advance, so you will want to be as early as possible to secure a spot. It is recommended to be there as early as 4 AM if possible.

Visitor Registration
registration takes place on the 1st floor of the “Fish Information Center”, located at the Kachidoki bridge entrance. If you are taking a taxi,Please let the driver know you would like to be dropped off here.
Registration begins at 5:00 AM, however it is recommended to arrive much earlier as you might not be able to secure a spot if you arrive at opening time.

Tour Times
Visitors are split into two different groups of 60 people, depending on the order of arrival.
Group 1 visits the auction from 5:50 AM to 6:15.